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Jay520 said:

I am an atheist... And I am an atheist because of the complete lack of evidence and indications supporting God's existence. But your logic still fails:

"Theres no proof he exists therefore he is not real. The absense of proof is the proof."

^There is your problem. Lack of proof =/= proof of non-existence. If there is a planet very far away from us that we cannot observe, does that prove that it doesn't exist? No, of course not. Whether we are aware of an object does not affect its existence... That would require godlike powers. Same goes for whether we can observe - or find any indiations of somethings existence: In any case it does not affect its existence.

Sure, we can't prove that there is a God, and there are no indications of him existing. But that does not affect his existence. Just because you can't see an object that doesn't mean it does not exist.

Don't do it The1. When I entered this discussion,I developed more stress than I could handle.  I lost thirteen pounds, my hair started falling out, I lost my job, I lost my wife, I had to file for bankruptcy, and I think I have prostate cancer. All while trying to convince him. Some battles you just cannot win.

If you're going to just troll, dont post.

Your concept of what the universe is is fundamentally wrong if you cant see what im saying. For you anything and everything can be real. The question for you is: What cant be real for you Jay?