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Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:
I suppose, at least in terms of getting private citizens to pump money into the local/state/national economy that they might not otherwise. In terms of businesses spending that money, though, it's just a waste (that could be better spent on building actual business)

You can't build buisness without real demand for buisnesss.

It's silly to ask GM to build more plants when it's already meeting supply.

We're in a slump because of lack of demand.

Partially because a good portion of our demand was created by debt and leveraging levels that aren't legal anyore.

The Leveraging demand won't ever be back...

and the debt demand wont be back until people get their debt paid off.


Hence why it would of just been better to let the big banks fail.   They fail... everyone who owes them money?   Gets off scott free.

Government pumps money into smaller banks to loan to people.

Couldn't hurt anyway.  You can't get a loan now uness your credit is perfect anyway.

The economy is an organic ecosystem of sorts, embedded with number of artificial things, seen as necessary in society, in order to preserve it.  Problems with just letting everything slide, can be that you permanently can end up destroying the ecosystem, and it never recover.  You can also end up artificially propping up things that aren't sustainable also.  

Perhaps what is needed is implementing of broadscale year of jubilee where debts are reset and society can reevaluate everything.  The debt is dragging everything way down now.