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Veknoid_Outcast said:

OK, trying this again. My first attempt at this thread never got off the ground.

So, I was in Walmart on Thursday night, and I saw a sign in the video game section that was aimed at fans asking about New Super Mario Bros. U.

I asked one of the nearby clerks about the sign, and he said that people were confusing New Super Mario Bros. U for a Wii title. Obviously this happened enough times to warrant a posted sign. Although, the sign doesn't help matters by referring to New Super Mario Bros. U as New Super Mario Bros. 2.

I had hoped a lot of the confusion about Wii vs. Wii U has dissipated, but maybe that's not the case.

Have any of you seen examples like this one, and do you think there is still a good amount of confusion over what Wii U really is?

I'm sure this happens to every system.  Hell I bet they have tons of people ask where the mario game is on the ps3.

Parents don't know anything about games and this sign is just the walmart employee being lazy in not wanting to repeat himself.   I bet he still has people come up and ask what a Wii U is.