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superchunk said:

If researchers had found the 'gay gene' (Particular gene that causes someone to be homosexual) very early in pregnancy or something else that provided a very accurate result, would you consider abortion to save the child from a life of torment and possible eternal damnation?

If there is a "gay gene" then wouldn't it be concievable that it could possibly be cured.   But otherwise no, I would not.  Personality is infinately more important than sexuality.  And there are personality types of hate of every sexuality.  I wouldn't want my kid to be an arragont ass jock, just like I wouldn't want my kid to be a flamboyant loud musical man.  FYI: I have nothing against jocks or musicals, hell i was in sports and musicals growing up.

sales2099 said:
No, but I would want another son. I personally want my family name to be passed down biologically, not just via the name.


You do realize he can have his sperm put into a surrogate and thus your family biologically would continue.


I do agree with you though that I want myself to continue as well, and would be dissapointed if said son decided to adopt and refused artificial insemination as an option.  

My family has seemingly always been somewhat large.  Of course our grandparents had bigger families, but I don't think any relatives of mine have less than 3 kids.  Most have exactly four.  I can see myself having around 4 as well, but for sure will have at least two.  That is if I can.  If it seems i can't, i sure as hell will have  a blast trying.  And I will not give up, if i have to have unprotected sex every day of my life until my wifes menopause, if that's the sacrifice i have to make.  lol.