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hatmoza said:
richardhutnik said:
hatmoza said:
richardhutnik said:

Islam does have a beautiful and logical simplicity to it.  Just, it ends up destroying what makes Christianity Christianity in its beautiful and logical simplicity.

Rawr! Fear me! I am a muslim and I am simply too evil for my beliefs! I am a destroyer...

I am offensive and I find this muslim.


No, but seriously, you got your facts a little wrong there. Muslims believe in Jesus, we just don't believe he was the son of  God  nor that he was crucified. Don't get me wrong. Someone was crucified, it Just wasn't Jesus peace be upon him.

Muslims don't believe in Jesus, at least not the way Christians do.  Muslims believe about Jesus that he was a prophet, but where among Muslim is any of the teachings of Jesus read taught or followed?  When does a Muslim ever call Jesus "Lord"?  Everything remotely connected with Jesus being Jesus as messiah is stripped from Christianity.  You believe facts about Jesus, but you don't trust in Jesus.  A Muslim can be a good standing Muslim and know nothing about Jesus.  Can a Christian be a good Christian and that be true?  No...

The reality is the five pillars, which are a beautiful foundation of Islam, end up destroying Christianity and everything relevant about it.  Christianity is about Christ, and fully about Christ.  Islam is about submission to God.

Muslims believe in Jesus. Don't sugar coat it to fit your angle. Stop making false statements. That's twice you stated something false as true. I'm not here to fall for your baiting, I just corrected you. Don't mistake me for someone eager to flag his religious beliefs around like a mad man.

How did this go from believing Jesus to trusting him? Of course he's trusted, maybe not in the exact same way as Christians, but we do.

Trusting in Christ as the Christian religion is him as a person's shepherd, and Lord.   The idea is believing IN Jesus, not just believing what Jesus said.  It is relational, not head knowledge.  That is the faith that matters for a Christian.  It is Jesus saving people.  That is the Christian message.  Jesus dying on the cross and resurrecting, to take away the sins of the world.  THAT is the Christian message.  If you ask a Christian if Jesus is their Lord, they say yes.  If you ask a Muslim if the answer does not come back "huh?" then the answer is that it is heresy or blasphemy.

Believing someone doesn't mean you believe IN them.  There is a key difference.

Flat out, Muslim theology might cause one to have reverence for Jesus, but Jesus is not needed any longer, at this time, because of Mohammed.  And maybe Jesus returns one day to be a teacher, but certainly won't be as Lord.

As I posted before, this link goes into differences: