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loadedstatement said:

A forum member by the name of Ezz has posted excerpts from the review over on the Nintendo NSider2 Forums:

"I'm ecstatic to report... that Brawl isn't just amazing, and it isn't just one of the best titles on Wii, but it's one of the very best games that Nintendo has ever produced."

The single biggest new addition to Brawl is The Subspace Emissary, a vastly expanded adventure mode that by itself is well worth the price of admission. Just imagine if you'd never heard of the Smash series, but someone told you that nintendo made a side-scrolling action/adventure game starring all of its top characters-you'd flip out, right? And to think, Brawl throws it in as a bonus! I can't stress enough that this mode isn't some fluffed-out afterthought- it's packed with loads of enemies and stage types, offers incredible boss battles, supports two-player co-op, and has lots of classic Nintendo references for long-time fans to geek out over. The cinema scenes are gorgeous and contain a long list of cool and funny moments, and I'm pretty sure that Brawl has more cinemas than all other Nintendo games ever made combined. The Subspace Emissary takes longer than many top stand-alone action games to finish, and even more play value can be found in clearing each stage on harder difficulties."

It's a testmament to the talent of the developers that I even enjoy playing as Diddy Kong- I've always hated that guy."

The game's control feels smoother than Melee's; you're less likely to accidentally jerk a quick character off a ledge. And, being the type of Melee player that never totally clicked with pressing up on the analog stick to jump, the game plays much better for me now that Brawl has the option to make jumps button-only"

Maybe, if I set my mind to it, I could scrounge up some negative things to say about the game, some details that could've used a tiny bit more polish. But against the grand scope of how much Brawl does amazingly well, any other possible concerns would be trivial at best. To deny this game a 10 purely for the sake of shying away from the top of our review scale would be a shameful disservice to one of the greatest gaming achievements in years. Rarely has any title delivered so much amazing action, such a wide variety of modes, and so many hours of value. It doesn't get any better than this"

- Chris Slate

Final Score: 10/10

Source: NSider2 Forums



NOTE: Once real scans of the review come, I will edit this post.

 self indulgent tripe......

Metalcore, Hardcore, Punk, Emo, Rock.