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If this was 2008 or 2009 and GT5's sales were at their current level I would say yes, but since it is 2012 and the next generation is about to start I think it will probably be pulled from store shelves before it hits 10 million ...

Today retailers need to find shelf space for the DS, 3DS, PSP, PS-Vita, Wii, XBox 360, and PS3; and in the not too distant future they will need some space for outdated systems (DS, PSP, Wii, XBox 360 and PS3) while still finding room for current generation systems (3DS, PS-Vita, Wii U, 'XBox 720', and PS4). Ultimately, this means that the number of games that systems like the PS3 will have on the shelf will be cut and then be reduced further as the next generation progresses.

If Gran Turismo 5 can remain in the top 10 games on the PS3 and the top 200 games overall it will stand a chance, if/when it falls below that you probably won't be able to find it to buy it anymore.