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Jay520 said:
Nem said:

Hmmm... ever looked into black holes? What happened to the previous debate? Now you're trying to poke holes on my posts? lol

Of course its false until proven. What are you trying to prove here? lol

I'm replying to your edited statement now. 

Let me get this straight, according to you...

- Things are false until proven.
- Other universes have not been proven.
- Therefore, other universes are false.
- You believe in other universes.
- Therefore, you believe in things which are false.
- Yet you scorn others believing in things which aren't proven

Is that accurate?

Youre trying to jump for the cake that isnt there my friend.

You're still failing to make a difference between what can be real and be verified and what is the realm of imaginary.

Other universes are false until proven otherwise... Yet there is some logic in thinking it may be a possibility given the way black holes twist the fabric of space time and appear to be pouring into somewhere. With better technology we might be able to verify that in the future.

So, key point here: Its something real that can be veryfied, and it has logic.

Get it?