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Avinash_Tyagi said:
greenmedic88 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
greenmedic88 said:
Not software, hardware. Have enough hardware units available to be moved with a key soft release. Standard practice. Good games sell hardware/conventional wisdom.

I hope you're not trying to argue that there is reason for not moving as many units of Brawl as possible upon launch, or using sales that are below expectation to assume supply constraints.

The other explanation is that Brawl is not moving hundreds of thousands of consoles because software has not been moving as many hardware units as is typical for consoles. Hardware has been moving itself.

If they could move more hardware in tandem with a Brawl launch, they would. I fail to see the flaw in that.

I meant hardware, and like I said it doesn't matter, Nintendo could release 10K every week, and people would still wait to buy it, if they wanted to play Brawl. You don't have any proof that this is due to low demand or that Nintendo isn't stockpiling, all you have is speculation based on a premise that doesn't have any support, you assume that Nintendo will ship their hardware as you think they will.

If not, then you are simply speculating that the vast majority of people in Japan who are buying Brawl don't already have a Wii, or that they didn't buy one in advance knowing full well that the game was coming out.

Unlike the PS3, I really don't believe anyone has been "holding out" on buying a Wii until certain games were released. The initial price was low enough (price is seen as a lower priority among Japanese gamers anyway) and there has been enough excitement over the platform even well before there were any killer apps other than Wii Sports.

I'm sure that as more consoles are sold, Brawl will continue to sell at roughly a 1:3.3 attach rate which is very high. That is about the attach rate Melee saw with the GC. But I don't think millions of gamers are holding off on a purchase of a Wii in order to buy Brawl. Apparently, Nintendo doesn't either or they would have released more hardware inventory along with the launch.

Again you are speculating that they have the hardware to release, how do you know that they had any extra shipments to go to Japan, and you are speculating that if they do have the hardware that they would release it all in one shot, we've seen this before, with Wii fit, even after they saw it was a success, they slowly released it instead of flooding the market.


Also people don't seem to be waiting for the PS3, they just don't want it, judgeing by these numbers

Unless the VGC numbers are blatantly undertracked, or Nintendo is not producing 1.8m per month, they are not selling at the current rate of production. 

Sales for the last month are well under 1.8m. Obviously Nintendo isn't going to dump that entire excess inventory on the Japanese market with the idea in mind that Brawl is going to move 100k consoles by itself, but no one finds it a little bit off that the biggest release for the Wii to date was only accompanied by about 100k hardware sales total?
