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Nem said:

I answered this already. If we cant verify the existance of something, it doesnt exist as something we know. Galaxies can be verified. Things that are in existance can be verified. God is an abstract concept, its impossible to verify. Is it that difficult to understand that God is just a fairy tale created by humans? Tell me really, is a dream something that could exist in reality? How do you verify its existance? Where do you draw the line Jay?

"It doesn't exist as something we know" Why are you changing subjects? You went from saying "it doesn't exist" to "it doesn't exist as something we know." You went from an entity's existence to our knowledge of an entity's  existence - two very different concepts. Stay on topic.

Yes, galaxies can be verified...Today. However, that was not true for a long period of time. A long time ago, we lacked the ability to verify the existence of other galaxies, yet they still existed. Do you agree that in the past, galaxies existed in conjunction with our absence of proof? Yes or no? Obviously you do..Now, you must also agree that certain things can exist even if we cannot prove them, correct? With that said, surely you must also agree that because we lack proof of something today, does not mean that something doesn't exist.

As for God being impossible to verify, that depends. There are infinitely many definitions of "god." Your statement is true for some definitions and false for others. 

Your dream example actually supports my point. We cannot prove dreams exist, yet they still exist. I'm not sure how this helps your point at all.