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Roma said:
Nem said:
Roma said:
Nem said:
Roma said:



first of all how do you know we are the only creatures in this universe? I guess science has not found life (like us) outside planet earth so they don't exist according to your logic! god created the universe for us to see his mightiness! we are nothing compared to what other things exist out there and he wants you to feel his power!

nothing can come out of nothing that's what science says so where did the particles come from? and then gathered to build this mas which then exploded which has been written in the Koran 1400 years ago btw. in it, it says the earth is round and it circles around the sun with a moon that circles the earth! science did not find out about how thing where until what 100-200 years ago (not sure maybe you know the answer to that)?

now how could a man know this back then? how could he know how a baby developed inside the mothers womb. the seven stages of development are written in the Koran 1400 years ago. now if you think the books have been modified then go read the oldest Koran and then read the newest copy and see for yourself that it is still the same book. if you read the bible you ill see that they are different. read the copies printed in different years. here in Sweden we get the new testament every year.

the reason we exist is simple. its like the reason we go to school to learn things in life to get better jobs and if you fail you will not be reworded for example. we where created to be tested that's why we have free will and if we do as god wants us to do then we get the reward he promised us and if we don't we burn in hell. just like you would get fired if you do not do your job

we die because there is a life after death otherwise we would be immortal like we will be in the after life!

why do people go in to war and fight to gain power? well these people are not religiuse or they use religiuse to start unnecessary wars. life is not heaven so of course these things will happen! i honestly don't get how people expect everything to be perfect and ask why god is letting this happen to us! its not about life but those who do not believe fear death because they do not know what will happen when they die. for me though I can't wait until I get to see what awaits me after death :)

so who created god? well who created the creator of god? ok so who created the creator of the creator of god and so on. you have to have a beginning to it so if every creation has a creator how long do you think it will have gone until god created us?

Not at all. There are things in the realm of possibility and logic. Paralel dimensions might be possible given the way black hole seem to bend the fabric of space time and pour like water in a sink.

Life in other planets is definitly a possibility. The conditions that another earth exists are perfectly sensible. These are all things in the realm of the possible but unproven.


God is something completely different. We have seen no god, like we have seen different life form or as we have seen singularities. We have not seen any god or something that can be God, therefore the possibility it exists is quite slim.

Actually, God is a creation of the human mind. If you watch the last episode of through the wormwhole with morgan freeman in the last season, you can understand why the human brain created the belief on an entity like god. In short its because your brain like to make connections. And what it cant connect, it makes up in a way to create some sense of it. That explain why in old times, people believed in more than one god, that doctrine has since been refined to believing in only one god that combines them all.

I'm afraid to say that the concept itself is made up by humans. There is no such thing as a "God" in the universe.

Unless of course, you refine the concept of God to something more palpable and believable... like for example the result of the war of matter against anti-matter that created the universe when matter won. That is the closest thing i can make of your God.

And entitiy in the form of a human that lives in the skies/heaven... isnt it obvious who made this up?

how do you explain how an uneducated shepherd knew these things that science are only now figuring out? you totally ignored that!

god said he would preserve Farao and he is preserved with no mummification or any other form of preservation known to human kind!

and lol Islam does not say he is a human living in the sky! he is not even in this universe and if he would show himself then everybody would be a believer thus there is no purpose for us to live anymore!

you have the evidence but you do not want to connect the dots as its too big of a deal for you to handle that there is a god and that there is a hell which people will burn in if they do not follow his rules!

and your telling me I have the answers in front of me and I chose to look away? haha the irony!

I didnt really want to bother with those weak arguments but if you wanna go there, then so be it.

1. You have no idea to know who knew what in past times.

2. Dunno what you're talking about. Probably ignorance over secondary factors.

3. Awfully convenient. It could also say: Dont say this is a lie cause i dont want anyone to figure it out.

4. This is a personal attack it seems. So, let me tell you two important things about me. First, i WISH there was a God, yet it doesnt. Second, just cause im not religious doesnt mean im not a kind person.

5. Alright... how does any of that proves that god exists? Cause there is nothing in here that you can show me so you prove that god exists.

how it proves that god exists? I just asked you how a person can know that at that time! the obvious answer is that he got the info through god!

they did not have a Hubble telescope back then and they where not able to film the development of a human in the mothers womb!

Really?! Thats the only possible explanation you can come up with? Dont you get the feeling you're skipping a few steps here?

I cant really say anything about what you're saying specifically cause i'd have to have the exact quote and even so, there is no way to know who knew what back then, but i am sure that whatever is written in it is either just a smart ploy of words or its knowledge that wasnt yet widespread.

You really have to realise that the moment someone knows something and the the moment it is officially recognised internationally isnt the same. It is unfortunate that you get so easily fooled, but i guess thats why the people that came up with the story came up with it. It was an easy way to make a living.