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Gnac said:
DanneSandin said:
teigaga said:
DanneSandin said:
Rafux said:
People forget how much Blu ray increased the PS3 price back in 2006. My prediction is PS4/720 $400 Basic $500 Premium which is affordable.

You crazy bro? People complain about WiiU's price point ($299 and $349), so $499 is out of the question. And they can't afford to lose $100/sold PS4. It'll be $399 at most.

People complain about the Wii U price because they think its a glorified xbox360. The wii was a glorified gamecube with a new control and lauched for $250, I think people expected the same for the Wii U.

I had hoped it would be 4x more powerful, but as of late ppl have come out and said that that probably isn't the case - so I guess I undertand that complaint...

I am only buying one if it is 5 times more powerful, because I like making purchasing desisions based on worthless and incorrigible numbers.

Anything less than that and Nintendo can FUCK RIGHT OFF.

I'd rather have Sony wait until Holiday 2014 and release a $400 PS4 that is ~8x more powerful than the PS3 instead of releasing one holiday 2013 and at $400 and it being only 4-5x more powerful.

Of course GAMES are the most important part of it, but if next-gen consoles are going to last 7+ years again, I'd rather have one that is completely future proof.  I want to be playing a PS4 game in 2020 and still be wowed by not only the graphics but the gameplay.