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Gnac said:
DanneSandin said:
Gnac said:
DanneSandin said:
teigaga said:
DanneSandin said:
Rafux said:
People forget how much Blu ray increased the PS3 price back in 2006. My prediction is PS4/720 $400 Basic $500 Premium which is affordable.

You crazy bro? People complain about WiiU's price point ($299 and $349), so $499 is out of the question. And they can't afford to lose $100/sold PS4. It'll be $399 at most.

People complain about the Wii U price because they think its a glorified xbox360. The wii was a glorified gamecube with a new control and lauched for $250, I think people expected the same for the Wii U.

I had hoped it would be 4x more powerful, but as of late ppl have come out and said that that probably isn't the case - so I guess I undertand that complaint...

I am only buying one if it is 5 times more powerful, because I like making purchasing desisions based on worthless and incorrigible numbers.

Anything less than that and Nintendo can FUCK RIGHT OFF.

I'd be satisfied if it was HD. Period. But if this thing's gonna sell well it needs to up the specs a bit. Why would the HD crowd care for this if it's only 50% than the console they already have?

Because there's more to a gaming system than percentages. Thankfully it appears to be only a minority of enthusiasts who put any stock in these things.

Personally I'm in it for the games, but it seems as if there's quite a lot of folks that's in it for the graphics

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.