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pezus said:
Ji99saw said:

If Sony could make as much as Microsoft and charge for online they would do it, don't dare think they wouldn't, if it were as you say PS+ would not even exist

Doesn't that tell you that they care what the consumer thinks?

No, that tells me that they would do anything to get the upper hand on Microsoft and XBL and considering XBL is bigger than PSN even with a subscription model tells me they failed but are far too deep in the gen to start charging so they go the middle route which is PS+ in order to monetize it. Free to play games come out everyday and they are free not because they care about consumers but because they have a better chance of competing and getting a bigger consumer base to charge them later

Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.

"I don't debate, I just give you that work"- Ji99saw