d21lewis said:
DanneSandin said:
Regarding these last turn of events I'm gonna go a head and make a prediction. PS4 will launch in October 2013. It'll cost between 30.000 - 35.000 yen, which will be something like $/€349 - $/€399. Sony will be making a modest profit (at the very least) from the get go. And it'll be about 5-6x as powerful as PS3 (<-- I have no idea if this is doable considering the price I just listed, it's just a hunch). They might even launch a StreamStation for 15.000 - 20.000 yen ($/€199 - $/€249) without any Blu-ray and disc reading capabilities; this'll be a Gaikai console of sorts. That's my thoughts regarding their financial situation.
HEY! Don't go making predictions about Sony's future. There's a time and a place for that.
This place: http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=148214&page=1
Oh! sweetah! But I have no predictions for 2014 unless Sony fail to release PS4 in 2013, which in that case I only have one word: d00m!!