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lilbroex said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
lilbroex said:

The time I'm talking about you weren't even talking to me. You were talking to someone else and you admitted to being in the thread only to cause problems or something like that and got banned right afterward. Look at mod history. I'm sure you'll find it it unless you deleted it.

The only Nintendo-related moderations I've had are about me calling you a tool, and making a joke about the Wiimote. One was a ban, one was a warning. You can't delete mod history. If you don't believe me I'll post my entire history, or give permission to a mod to allow you to see it (if that's possible).

I don't recall this AT ALL, maybe you're confusing me with someone else. But you know how we can solve this? You can actually provide some evidence.

That's too many threads to go through. It was either you or Pezus but I'm pretty sure it was you caused you had that bald guy with the glasses as your avatar at the time.

It's becoming clearer and clearer that not only have you been caught in a blatant lie, but you don't even have the decency to admit it. 

Until you actually provide even the slightest bit of evidence, I'm done.