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Cub said:
Roma said:
Cub said:
Roma said:
we are all free to chose our own way, that's why we have free will but angels don't as they are created to obey gods orders!

you have heaven and you have hell so you either choose to obey and follow what he wants you to follow or you will go to hell its as simple as that really.

It's not that simple, you are muslim and you are gay. How is that working for you? are you gonna go hook up with women because god said so?

good question :)

1)you know I left god and I stopped praying because I thought that being gay and muslim does not work but this is completely wrong and only people with lack of knowledge think this! the fact of the matter is you can be gay as long as you do not act upon these feelings and be sexually with guys.having sex at all with the opposite sex that you are not married to is wrong as well! leaving god made my life worse than tbh. the life style is mentally destructive unless you have no feelings of course (this is my opinion of my life and what I have seen in other peoples lives).

2)after watching a couple of youtube videos about people converting to islam or people who love to do certain things in their lives stop doing these things to please god and in the end get rewarded. now if these people can do these things and they are not even arabs and do not have a muslim background can do this why can't I? I mean I have a muslim background but stopped because I did not accept gods conditions of me being gay! then I asked myself who the hell I was to say that what god says is wrong? he created me and therefore he tells me what is right and what is wrong!

3)being gay is not something I choose so I can't change it what I can do though is accept the challenge and doing so i will be obeying gods words and not have sex with other guys. and no I will not hook up with girls as that is wrong as well! if I ever feel that I am ready to get to know a girl then my parents are ready as they know I am gay and they have accepted my terms. also I consider what she will feel if I do not treat her well in bed for instance as she is a human as well and needs to be treated equally or I will be punished for it. so no do until/if ever become ready to take that step.

4)I have accepted the challenge and i feel a lot better and closer to god than i ever was before :) l7amdolilah

5)you speak of gods words as they are simple? remember that he created you and he can do whatever he wants with you!

sorry for the long post i just felt i had to explain a few things also i did not read through it again so mistakes might have been made :p


1) No gay Muslim I've met actually believes that, it's well established that you can be gay and a Muslim even if you act upon the gay feelings, you are a sinner (one of the worst sins), not Kafer, that's ABC Islam here.

My experience was the exact opposite, I stuck to prayer and mosques, I didn't miss a prayer for 7 years. Waiting for the cure never worked, so I seeked professional medical help and I spent my savings on psychiatrists who just kept prescribing anti depressants (how professional). To cut a long story short, I startred reading , lots of reading, about Hadith (and the rules that Bokhari, Muslim followed writing their books) and started to realise how poorly these books are constructed and how fragile the whole logic behind these books is. Ofc being a very devouted Muslim back then I was in denial for sometime but when I snapped out of it I started questioning and reading, then more questioning and reading and in the end, I ended being a very happy proud gay man

So prohibiting yourself from basic human needs is ok while living a Gay lifestyle is mentally destructive? on what earth? You made your choice and you are happy about it, good for you, please don't spread such false images about the lifestyle of the homosexuals.

2) This shouldn't move you, I can share experiences of people who converted to christianity and being so happy about it , or to buddism, or to Sunni , or to Shee3a , etc. It literally means nothing.

3) You will never be ready to live with a girl the way you lived with boys. Come to Jordan, I'll introduce you to the 10000 scums that chose to marry  women just to secure their future and have kids that will take care of them when they are old and ugly, leading double lives, fooling themselves with "in allah gafoor raheem" while admitting that women will never fill that void. I admire your patience and the fact that you are not rushing into marriage just like every Muslim gay guy I met has done. I also admire your parents capacity and tolerance. I think some of the Sweden values have found their way to your family.

4) I used to think that all the time I spent reaching out to god was a total waste, my perpespective changed recently and I believe that this is god's answer to my prayers, accepting myself the way I am and focus my energy on what really matters. I stopped being bitter, I have achieved a lot in the last 2 years, and I was telling miz earlier that great things are coming my way soon. I started helping people, now I teach kids for free, and I plan to do more in the next 2 years. I have NEVER felt closer to god.

5) I don't believe in the same god you believe in. I like to think that my god doesn't care if I worship him in mosques , he cares more about what I actually do to help myself and people to live better. He cares if I am good guy or not, being gay doesn't make me a worse/better person.

Sorry of any of this sounded aggressive, just sharing experiences here, it may help you see things the way your experience may help me to see things.

Have a good day.

as I said before you choose your path and if you feel the path you have taken is the right one then I won't argue with you :)

you don't need to be aggressive about the destructive part as I am not making that up but you choose to believe what you want of course. maybe you haven't been in the gay scene as long as I have

also the guys in Sweden aren't very attractive so I barely meet anyone (Sorry Swede guys) in Lebanon on the other hand WOOFFF!! but everyone just want to have sex so fuck them all!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(