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superchunk said:
Metrium said:

Also I don't believe in the gay gene. I don't believe in ppl being born gay, I think that millions of controlable and uncontrolable events during the development of a child is what molds the adult he will become, and that includes his sexual orientation. But that is a other debate :P

That makes ZERO logical sense when you look at what a human body does when it sees a person you are physically attacted to. Its 100% chemical and physical. Its based on your hormones and chemical balances... ie. the genetic make up of your body. 

You don't control that with your mind. Ask anyone that is an adult and gay, "where you born gay or chose it?". 100% will say born. They'll remember many parts of childhood where they just liked the same sex but pushed it away due to society.

I never said they chose to be gay. For example, I am rly attracted to red heads. I was not born attracted to them and I did'nt choose to be attracted to them. Most likely some events in my life (could be big or insignifican events) that left a mark in me and now when I see red heads I'm attracted to them because they remind me of something or a feeling I had someday as a child. I love metal music, I was'nt born that way, I probably like it because for some reasons I rejected pop music or because electric guitars reminds me of something great I lived, It's impossible for me to know since this is subconscious but if I lived my life in a totaly different environment I would deffenetly be different than the adult I am today.


If you dismiss this and strongly believe that homosexuality is all because of a gay gene, then explain me this... In ancient greece, it is a well known fact that homosexuality was way more common, it was even considered totaly normal. The idea of sleeping with a 15 year old boy was encouraged for a succesfull man. Why was it that way at the time? Was the gay gene more spread among the population and ended up slowly dissapearing over time? Or was it because at the time it was accepted and even encouraged by society and that fact pushed ppl's subconscious to be attracted or at the very least to never develop the barrier preventing them being attracted by other men? Because if you tell me that the gay gene was wayyyy more common back then and that it slowly dissapeared over time, you will seriously have a hard time convincing me. 


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