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JayWood2010 said:
foodfather said:
Terrible opinion OP. I was great at COD (MW2 & Blops), Always the first to get 25 kills on free for all. And I'm also great at Battlefield Bad Company, Gears of War and Halo.

Of course there are better people out there than me, but when I play ones of theses games 90% of the time I come out on top.

I'm not saying everybody.  I'm also good at CoD.  Every CoD game I've maintained well above a 2.0 K/D and my accuracy always strays aroun 30 to 50%.  But so many players on Call of Duty focus on camping to boost K/D that it makes it that much harder to win unlike Halo where it promotes movement.  If you camp on halo it doesn't matter because you will still die by the better player.  

Accuracy between 30 - 50%?


"Success really is decided at birth, and your life will never be better than it is right now. Sorry about that."