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superchunk said:
Sorry, but I don't see the corellation. I mean Obama FTW, but he so far is not destroying Clinton. So, how do they relate to the X360/Wii?

But he's making progress fast though.

He was counted out only to win a handful of states and delegates and he snuck up on 'em much like Wii did the XBox 360 last year.

I mean analogies are always partial and approximate. They only take one or few traits and make a connection. They're never exact and you can take an analogy and flip it on its head to make a counter analogy much like some of the other posters did in this thread. (Nintendo has the experience Hillary has the experience)

But for the traits I singled out I see Hillary representing the strong but limited base of hardcore Democrats like XBox 360 does for self-proclaimed hardcore gamers with Barack not only getting Democrats but Republicans and Independents on his side being able to cross demographics like Wii.

And I see the rate of his ascension much like the rate of Wii's ascension about this time last year.

Last February the 360 had 9 going on 10 million while Wii had 5 million. "Any day now the Wii will lose its momentum" most people thought like when I first came here last March with people still thinking that Wii could not beat XBox 360 within 2007. Yet the Wii got stronger and stronger until it beat what was assumed to be the untouchable XBox 360 and its year long headstart in the summer.

Much like the 7th generation of gaming is clamoring for change in the way things have been done, Obama is proclaiming change in the way things have been done. And it seems to be successful.

From where I'm sitting Obama is Wii and as Wii he will be champion. He will be President. I think Hillary is limited as how far she can go. After she exhausts appealing to her base she won't be able to go any further and Barack won't have that limitation.

I predict, hell, I KNOW it will be Barack Obama Vs. John McCain for 2008 U.S. Presidental Election.

Might even put it in my signature as crowded as that already is.

And I like That Guy's take on the topic. Obama = Wii = Blue Ocean Disruptor. Bush = PS3 + Hillary = XBox 360 = Establishment/Old Guard.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot