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The two main conspiracies I believe in (or sort of believe might be true) off the top of my head are:

A) I think the US government had involvement in 9/11 but to which extent I'm not sure. I doubt they helped plan attacks or whatever, but I could fully see them having known in advance and still "allowing attacks to happen" to use it as an excuse for revenge. And I do think the twin towers and the other buildings were blown up by explosives, not the planes/fire. And the entire pentagon situation is shady.

B) There is a conspiracy that the four US presidents that have been assassinated were killed by bankers after changing or attempting to change monetary policy in some way that would cost private banks a ton of money and bring control back to the government. I haven't done much research on how this fit in with the first three presidents...but I can see how it relates to JFK since he was killed soon after executive order 11110 which gave the government power once again to create currency (that happened to be backed by silver) which obviously the Federal Reserve would be against...and thus perhaps they financed JFK's assassination. Lincoln and the other two fuckers whose name's escape me also were fiddling around with currency when they were killed. Could just be a big coincedence (how many presidents fiddled with currency and weren't assassinated?) but it makes sense...if I'm a rich ass banker about to be cost millions/billions I'd be happy to throw an assassin a few mill to take out Mr President and keep things teh way they are.