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RoryGamesFree said:
DanneSandin said:
RoryGamesFree said:

Wii U releases late 2012, has good specs compared to gen 7 consoles but nothing spectacular, relies to some extent on innovative tablet controls, launch price of £250 (basic) and £300 (full edition)

XBOX 720 will release late 2013 or early 2014 I expect and will have strong specs but MS will sell at a loss to begin with so price point of about £300 at launch, with a price drop to £250 by late 2014 (see PS4)

PS4 will release late 2014, will have Wii U like specs and Sony's own innovation of some kind, they won't sell at a loss to kick off with though and will launch at about £325-350 but also a cut down version at about £250

thing is all of them now have a "market" so I doubt any will sell less than 40-50m lifetime

Wii U I expect will "win" by default as much as anything, it will have a 12 month+ head start on the others and the tablet will prove popular though not as much more as Motion controls initially were for them. expected sales by 2020 of about 100m or so

X720 will have the most features available on it, but without the innovative controls, whether the tablet will take on enough for MS/Sony to copy it I am not so sure about, will have a good start on the PS4 in terms of release. expected sales by 2020 of about 60m or so

PS4 will be another good leap from the PS3, why? because Sony will cut their losses by waiting on a release possibly till as late as early 2015, by then the economy may well be more stable and costs down, will give them also a chance to tie up a lot of big launch games, will also have a price point probably around the same as the others, giving Sony a better chance of sales, will be too far behind the Wii U but will run the X720 close thanks to European sales. expected sales by 2020 of about 60m or so

I totally agree none of them should sell less than 40-50m.

I think Nintendo or MS will take home next gen - but only if all consoles are similar in power and get the same amount of support from 3rd parties. But I don't think Sony will release PS4 as late as 2015; they've said that they don't want to get left in the dust like they did when Xbox360 launched a whole year before PS3... ANd if they reallt do release PS4 in 2015... They're done and out for.

I dunno, I think like I said that the head start will be enough for the Wii U. normally I would agree with you but given their financial situation and such, I find it hard to see them releasing earlier and having a competitve price point/profit margin, I mean they might, but for them that would be a huge gamble as a high price point in the current climate will kill any sales potential for them, at the same time selling at a loss will likely damage the companies situation still further as well, to my mind the late launch isn't what cost the PS3, what cost it was the high launch cost, the playstation brand is still the strongest of all three imo, so even a late launch is no disaster, as long as it's priced competetively it will sell well. realistically I think maybe I can see a PS4 launching in early 2014, but before then I think is unlikely, if they do launch a year earlier than my prediction again they will need to think very carefully about pricing.

I think they should do a Nintendo actually; innovate. Sadly this isn't Sony's strongest aspect in gaming business. In many ways they've always followed others, but what they need to do now is finding their own Wii; something new and exciting. I expect them to launch, at the very latest, in early 2014. Holding off any longer would be serving Nintendo and MS the up coming gen. They'll never be able to catch up then.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.