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DanneSandin said:
nice topic. just because Sony can't afford it, doesn't mean they won't do it.

think about it. they have that Personal 3D Viewer $799 and a 25,000 tv that i'm sure know one needs. why would you buy either of these devices?

the average person doesn't make the kind of money to purchase either of those items, but some nut at sony thought it a great idea to make.

while i agree about the financial part. and it's not smart business to blow money you can't make back. it seems to be what sony does.

a $25,000 TV!!!!

Yeah, that's pretty dumb!! Thing is though, that a company is such a complex organization. You got the CEO and the share holders, and then you got the board of directors (or whatever they're called). BoD could stop the production of PS4 if they think it's too expansive (I think). I just have a hard time believing they're prepared to bleed money like they did with the PS3 now when they're having serious money problem and the Vita failing so hard...

yea the board can take a vote if they think it's to risky, but i doubt that would happen. and then we have the share holders. time and time again you hear reporters, aricles, and the writers of those articles talk about a company reasuring share holders.

if Sony can't reassure shareholders profit will be made at some reasonable point, then that's where a companies arm start's to twist.

Considering the board approved a $25 000 TV I'd say they're just a tad bit crazy... ;)

The holders see what financial state Sony is in, so I think they would be pretty concerned if Sony yet again wanted to launch a very expansive playstation.... But who knows?

Anyway, I don't think the gap between WiiU and PS720 is gonna be as big as this gen. All you have to do is take a look at some picture of Nintendo games running on Dolphin; even gamecube games looks great in HD!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.