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ssj12 said:
Kasz216 said:
ssj12 said:
Kasz216 said:
Kyros said:
"wasn't that made by westwood?"

Oh god I am really old, now amnesia comes along. Apparently Redwood is the core EA developer studio (EA is based in Redwood) + Maxis(SimCity)

That would be Redwood Shore then. So. Same studio.

so basically the names of EA's studios change as quickly as a bowl of ice cream.. interesting.

It's been that way since at least 2004. I'd guess they changed their name when Maxis joined them or before... for no reason. Either that or it's always been Redwood Shore Studios and you never noticed because people cut off shores just because the name seemed too long.

I think it may actually be the later.

Nice job though, insulting the studio (which granted it is EA) rather then taking a minute or so to do a google search.

i wasnt insulting them as I love C&C and Battlefield.

You said they sounded like a craphole studio who was trying to rip someone else off.

Also C&C = Westwood. Which was liquidated into EA Los Angeles. (Though a lot of the original Westwood guys left.)

Redwood Shore is a completely different entitiy.

Think of them as EA San Fransisco and EA LA if you have to think of it that way.

Also the Battlefield series is made by a Digital Illusions to my knowledge. Which is way diferent then EA San Fransisco and EA LA. They aren't even in the country.  Owned by EA, but no affiliation to EA LA or EA San Fran.