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Soleron said:
The more interesting question I thought you were asking is: would any religion survive a resurrection of Jesus (as in, provably so). Assuming Jesus could make rulings on exactly how to be a Christian, would the "wrong" denominations with conflicting beliefs disappear? Would Islam disappear, given that it regards Jesus as A prophet but not THE prophet? Would unrelated religions disappear?

Actually, Islam has always expected Jesus to return. The difference to the christian "second coming"-belief is that they basically expect two "messiahs" will come in company: One being Jesus Christ, the other being the hidden twelveth Iman Al-Mahdi (who, by the way, is the legitimite ruler of Iran according to their constitution - so if one wanted to overthrow the iranian government, all he had to come up with was a person credibly claiming to be Al-Mahdi ;) ).

When Ahmadinejad gave his UN speech about 2 weeks ago, he even dedicated more than one whole page of his speech to this topic, how great it's going to be and even claimed this would happen soon. It was quite bizarre and I'm still wondering why not a single media over here even mentioned this, for I think it would have matched the usual "crazy Ahmadinejad"-stereotype perfectly.

So Islam would hardly disappear, it would rather prove their beliefs. I think there would be more danger to judaism, for according to the talmud, Jesus is forced to rot in hell forever, swimming in boiling hot excrements...