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zarx said:
okr said: ...

Then again they have been working on the game (on and off as they did work for hire stuff to keep the lights on) for almost 6 years now, Arkane is a small studio and the next game will probably be targeting next gen consoles at this point. A sequel may make it in time for holiday 2014 but I think sometime in 2015 is more likely TBH, that would still be less than the 4 years it took them to go from Arx Fatalis to Dark Messiah. 

High ratings and internet hype doesn't really mean much if the general gaming public don't latch onto it anyway. 

Also the setting is steampunk(ish) not cyberpunk, cyberpunk is generally about computers, the internet and cyborgs etc.

Ah yes, steampunk, of course. I sometimes confuse the two as I like both and they are pretty much the same to me.

Maybe that's the main reasons why this game gets so much attention:
- The setting which probably attracts Bioshock/Deus Ex/System Shock fans.
- The (optional?) stealth gameplay which probably attracts Thief/Splinter Cell/Metal Gear Solid fans alike.
Despite its influences It seems to feel fresh and like a game many people waited for, comparable in that regard to Bioshock and Assassin's Creed in 2007.

BTW: New franchises often start with a game that's been in development for years by a comparably small team. That's nothing new. Depending on sales and the decisions made by Bethesda, a sequel could easily be done within two years. It could become Bethesda's Assassin's Creed with a huge team put behind it and rather quick sequels/spinoffs. Time will tell.