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Kasz216 said:
spaceguy said:
Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
Zappykins said:

I am kind of surprised by the polls. Seems like there are many vocal republicans on VGC.

My number once choice would be Jill Stein. I think she would be best for the country, with Obama second. She seems to stand for science, reason, fairness, etc.

Romney might be best for me in some ways (I own some business) but at the cost of people that have jobs and those that work for a living. And since they are my consumers I think I would lose in the long run and he would further damage the country and it's reputation. (Plus I think he is a major fail on basic civil rights, etc.)

I know my libertarian leaning friends love Johnson, but he seems think business and deregulation will solve everything and I just wonder where he has been living the last several years. Maybe there is something in him I don't see.

Here is a fun poll for anyone interested


deregulation won't solve everything, but it would solve a lot.

You just need to look at the economy and understand why a lot of stuff isn't working. 

For example, most job growth in companies come after a company goes public with an IPO.

However, almost no companies go public anymore.

Most people founding companies don't want to go public anymore.

Why?  Excessive regulation after the bubble.

Now everyone instead wants to create an awesome product, and sell it to some microsoft or sony or whoever to replace whatever product they alerady have, leading to no job gains.

We've actually had a jobs growth problem long before the GFC... starting after the crash.

The problem is that we tend to think of regulation in a "have it or don't" kind of way, and nobody really gives thought to fixing regulation because the side opposed to the current regulation usually just wants total deregulation, so we can't have an effective dialogue about what regulations are effective, or how we might fix them.

Part of the reason why you can't get anything done because of the Republicans. You can't have a dialogue with them.

Did you watch the Presidential debate?  I mean the exact opposite happened there.

Romney pointed out many issues with Dodd-Frank and mentioned that he'd keep a lot of it.   While Obama claimed Romney wanted no regulations on anything.

Heck, most reporting on the "grand deal" tends to blame the Obama team as well.

While the republicans publically want to make themselves look like the one who won't budge on anything... actually, it mostly looks to be the opposite.

Have you watched anything on Romney? seems you have not. It seems a lot of republicans forget he flipped on every issue. He has been going around the country telling the exact opposite. You like to ignore all that and stick with his  etch a sketch moments like that has been his view all along. He will say and do anything that will get him elected.


Oh yea if you haven't noticed deregulation crashed us. So yes there is bad regulation and good regulation but as said above. You have stated many times to totally deregulate in the past. I will expect you to flip as much as mitt robbed me.

No I haven't?   Though no... de-regulation didn't crash us.  Out banking laws, even at the time of the GFC were pretty "liberal" compaired to Europeon standards.

The Banking Modernization act happened in the US partly because Glass-Steagal never existed in Europe... ever.

If Glass-Stegal and other regulations were so important... why had europeon banks never crashed?


What causd the crash was lazy/corrupt/incompetant regulators.  It's also why nobody was prosecuted.


You can have all the laws in the world, but when you police force doesn't arrest anyone it doesn't really matter.


and it was bush that stopped them from doing so. He stopped regulation in it's tracks. We already talked about this. Just like obama is not enforcing laws on some illegal aliens. Same deal. This is romney for sure. He has said so over and over, until the debate and you seemed to forget this. Shake the etch a sketch.