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"sony is NOT suing jerry"

just because jerry is the CEO of Wildcat Creek, Inc advertising firm.

"Inc" see that people want to know why jerry put his company in a Inc? its very simple. Jerry is not being sued, and for a reason!

"Incorporation provides legal protection for business owners that no other type of business ownership can afford. Through incorporation, the assets of owners remain completely separate from the assets of the business thereby limiting the overall liability owners can face in the event of business failure. To meet the legal definition of a true corporation, certain conditions must be met, including regular meetings with a board of directors, accurately recording the minutes of all board meetings, issuing stock certificate of ownership and filing the necessary paperwork with the state on a annual basis. Failure to do any of these steps can negate the incorporation and pass liability directly to the owners."

let that sink in real good. Sony could not directly Sue Jerry only the Ad agency. And the case is being moved ex parte order anyway.


dismissal before the answer or appearance of the defendant(s).

which was in the legal doc.s for this case in reference 14 of the legal doc's. which the person who posted this already knew or posted it anyway. knowing full well it was being settled out of court!


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.