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forevercloud3000 said:

@Bolded: They can and they did, that is how companies safe gaurd themselves from bad press from similar situations. Coke doesn't want the same person who advertises them going off to undo that by working for Pepsi, same exact thing. If they let him go, or contract was just up, doesn't matter. The clauses will always say you cannot advertise for direct oppositions for a certain amount of time. He could have done commercials for ANYBODY ELSE IN THE WORLD.....except for Wii and Xbox.

That is a lot of wiggle room to still be bumping elbows, had to be on purpose. They obviously chose him BECAUSE of his stint as PS spokesperson. He is well known in the gaming world and they were trying to take advantage of that by putting him in there. Dumb, dumb, dumb! He can act just like KB wherever else he wants, but the only reason Sony was threatened was because the Wii connection. You guys want to jump down Sony's throat but they are soley in the right in this situation, at least legally speaking. Jerry Lambert broke contract by participating in advertising Wii, end of story.

We'll see about that. Pretty sure they'll will lose. But either way, like I said, dick move, bad PR - it'll ressonate as Sony being greedy/evil for some time, you'll see. They tried to settle this privately for those exact reasons, but since they couldn't ( ) now the cat is out of the bag, and makes them look bad.

And yeah, keep believing he advertized a Wii...