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GooseGaws said:
coolestguyever said:
antfromtashkent said:
This is my first tread so please forgive me if i brake any rules.

What i mean by the title is what kind of games do you think can withstand the time the most (ex: RPGs, platformers, FPS, Racing games, etc.) and why.

4. I would have to pick Racing games. You can always play a racing game, Gran Turismo is the best racing series ever, or the entire Need For Speed Franchise. Look at the legs NFS: Pro Street has and it sucks! I think you get tired of the same FPS after a while, as for platformers I think you get bored of Mario after a while, RPG's can get tiring.

I think the OP is asking what games stand the test of time in quality, not in sales.  There's always a new and better racing game coming out; would you still go back and play Gran Turismo 1 today?  I sure wouldn't.

I think those that can last the longest are those that stand alone in terms of story, gameplay, structure, or simply by having a great, unique design.  Many RPGs and platformers will fit into this category; I still play through Super Mario World now and then and enjoy it as much as ever.  Good puzzle games, as previously mentioned, are also virtually time-proof.  Tetris has been released literally four million times and can still be just as great today as it was back in 1989.  I fully expect to go back to Shadow of the Colossus periodically and still be amazed.

yes u r right. i mean games like SMB for example ppl still like to play today, also games like tetris etc.