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pezus said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
jonnybmk said:

3DS okay.

Vita still toilet surfing.


And by the way, it's called freaking soccer - NOT football. Football is a termed reserved for the NFL in the US. We wanted the term, we took the term. It's ours now. You get soccer. Capish?

95% of the world population gets it right. You just happen to be in the 5% that gets it wrong. It's not your fault, really...

But anyway, football was called football before handegg litterally copied the word. True story, look it up. You copied it and copied it badly at that (hint: foot + ball, not hand + egg). And now you're in your tiny minority. Capish?

Hipster Americans...

I've never understood why Americans don't just simply call it 'handball'. The ball is actually kicked even less than in rugby.