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Borkachev said:
There are plenty of people who have enough gaming contacts to get this level of information. Not a one of them is stupid enough to post it on the internet though. Revealing big secrets is a quick way to get fired and sued. Leaks like these are very traceable.

There may be people with enough contacts to get this level of information, but not this consistently and not in these quantities. She's got rumors for every developer and every platform, and they come out like clockwork.

Just in the last batch of rumors posted here, for instance, she implied that she'd gotten hands-on impressions of Gears of War 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction, among other games. So in a matter of weeks (since her last massive batch of rumors) she'd apparently flown out to North Carolina, up to Montreal, and back home again, all so she could post on her anonymous, non-profit blog. Why exactly do all these industry insiders leak information available nowhere else to some girl with no journalistic connections at all? Wouldn't it make more sense to tell them to EGM or something?

 She doesn't have contacts, she works for a publisher or printer.  If you look at everything she's gotten right, it's usually a week or two before that information is revealed in a magazine.