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ive only owned 4 consoles this gen and curerntly only own 3
PS3: Valkyria Chronicles (1million) i know thats not too bad, but this deserves so much better, its really unique with its visuals and gameplay, and the story and characters are some of the best this gen. in My Opinion.

360 I no longer own a xbox360: (same as you ROBO) Lost Odyssy, everybody who plays this says its one of there favorites, and yet sales didnt match its user reviews.

PSP: Trails In The Sky, this is probably my favorite RPG that ive played this year. The story is really well done and the characters are really likable, the people who done the English translation done such a good job on a game that has massive dialogue. This game in my opinion is the one that deserved the sales most. You are left with a big cliffhanger ending, which is supposed to continue in 2 more games (which have been released in japan). Its just it sold so bad they might not localise those 2, i just hope they do. People who have PSP or Vita should give this a try and get into it, you'll like it if you enjoy RPGs.

my other console is the Vita but its too early to say at the moment.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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