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kingofwale said:

It's a positive thing and it becomes disgusting when people discredit it for no reason at all.

Again, I'm not trying to discredit anything; I fold on my own PC, and I plan to buy a PS3 when it breaks the $299 barrier.  But energy conservation is also important to a lot of people, and I don't think it's "disgusting" to bring that up.

BTW, just so people know I'm not making these numbers up, if you google "PS3 power consumption" the second link takes you here:

To give an idea of how much this might cost, my Watts-Up Pro estimates that the PS3 will consume about 138 KiloWatt Hours per month at this rate. The price of electricity varies widely around the world, but here in Hong Kong, I pay about $0.12 USD per KWh (after my normal power usage is accounted for). So to keep the PS3 folding 24/7, I will be paying about $16.56 extra on my power bill each month. If I still lived in Vancouver, where they have an abundant amount of hydroelectric power, the cost per KWh is a paltry $0.053 USD. This would mean an extra $7.30 every month to have the PS3 folding 24/7.

If you live next to the Hoover Dam, fold like crazy!  :)