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Flanneryaug said:
BenVTrigger said:
Nah its not and Im not sayin Mitt is the best choice either

But I dont see how anyone defends Obama anymore. The mans a failed president, the worst in my lifetime, and is leading the slowest recovery in US history.

Im not even a big Romney supporter at all but Obama is beyond awful

The worst in your lifetime? Are you less than 4 years old? lol

Saying Obama is a failed president is just not accurate. In 4 years, with massive republican obstruction, he still got all of this done:

  • Stopped the economy from going into a depression
  • Passed Wall St reform
  • Saved the auto industry
  • Created 5 million jobs
  • Ended the war in Iraq(and ending the war in Afghanistan, though I think it should end now)
  • Got Bin Laden
  • Repealed DADT
  • Passed healthcare reform
  • Unemployment rate down to 7.8%
If you want to support Mitt Romney, thats fine. I don't agree with everything Obama supports or has done either.

Am I correct in saying that (like with the banks) many republicans opposed the auto industry bailout or criticised it after it happened? If nothing had been done the knock-on effect (espcially in the short-term) would have been horrific. Thousands (hundred of thousands to millions? not too sure how many exactly the american big 3 employs). The chain reaction on other industry and the rest of the economy as a whole as all of those workers became jobless would have pretty much sent the US into a depression.