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DMeisterJ said:
Louie said:

@ DMeisterJ, greenmedic, Doats, etc.


I´ll just quote myself now, look:


1,800,000 / 30 = 60,000 units a day which means 420,000 units a week. Now Nintendo has to stockpile for the next christmas season already...

Ha ha ha! OMG That's so funny. That is a new one. Would you mind if I quoted you in my sig? That Nintendo is stockpiling units for December instead of releasing units when their most anticipated game of this year comes out. You have to be joking right? Was that serious? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish that I knew how to do the laughing emoticon, cause this is flippin hilarious!


Yeah, it DOESN'T make sense, which is why I'm wondering what's happening to the unsold inventory based upon a production rate of 415-420k a week. Where is it? It's not sitting on shelves. I can only assume it's sitting in either Nintendo production facility warehouses, or wholesaler warehouses (which would make zero sense since they could move them through retail outlets today).

If Nintendo is not stockpiling the unsold inventory under current production rates, it has to be sitting somewhere. 

The fact that Brawl did not move 175k more more hardware units in Japan has me thinking the only plausible explaination lies somewhere within the distribution channels.