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badgenome said:

(I mean, even if someone tried to spread some kind of new religion nowadays people would most likely call him crazy, or at least not start believing in whatever he is believing).

Why? Ever hear of L. Ron Hubbard? Shoko Asahara? Barack Obama [both pro- and anti-, and mainly anti-]? People are more gullible than you seem to think.

Religion will always be around because humans are as irrational as they are rational, and faith makes us happy. If you stomped out every religion, new ones would only arise to replace them. People will always find new receptacles for their faith, be it some new god, or the state, or "Science", or whatever.

+1 to everything Badgenome has said so far, but with a slight modification.

The question presupposses an atheist universe. In a theist universe then of course nothing can suppress religion or the innate human spiritual drive for spiriual sustenance.

So, assuming an atheist universe, yes probably organised religion per se would cease to exist and never come back, but the fundamental human need to identify with a group and support a cause would not disapper, so it would manifest in other ways.

Assuming a theist universe it's a idiotic notion to think people can suppress the will of God, so no, not even during the active suppression of religion would religion suffer from antyhing but a temporary slow down. Indeed throughout history every time religion has been actively suppressed it ends up having the opposite effect. All efforts at killing off early Christianity utterly failed. Same with Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Baha'i etc. It's never worked.

@ Mr Khan: If it didn't happen the way the current day Christians believe it must happen then Jesus 2.0 would be wholly rejected by all of Christendom. Just as Jesus 1.0 was wholly rejected by the established religion of the day (i.e. the Jewish people at the time) because he didn't appear in the manner that establishment Judaism demanded he appear.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix