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happydolphin said:
Ail said:

Starting to lighten up my positions in prevision of a pull back in the 4th quarter....( worried about the fiscal cliff if the senate/representant chambers make up remains the same).

Nothing drastic but I sold 25% of my Google holdings and 25% of my Bank of America...

Ideally I want to sell 25% of my Apple too but the stock has been sliding down and I know that one will recover so waiting..

It looks like you're selling Ail. I'm not used to hearing that from you. Are you planning on buying in the short term?

I'm not selling massively, just raising my cash position from 3% to something closer to 15% ( after today I am at 9%).

I won't be buying anything until the fiscal cliff/tax problem gets resolved so I will stay in cash. I've already beaten my objectives for 2012 so I'm fine sitting on cash until the start of 2013...

It was time to take some profit of Google anyway. It's near all time high and I've been holding the stock for over 1 year so I will only pay 15% taxes on my gains there..

Worse case if I get itchy I will put more into bonds funds . I am at 20% of my holdings in bonds so I could put more in it for the short term.


I've actually just rebalanced my 401k too and moved from 20% bonds to 30% bonds there....

I just have bad vibes about the Bush tax expiration if the same tea party guys stay in the House...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !