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I agree about the arguements. They do make for some serouis entertainment. My whole thing is I wasn't even attacking the Ps3, just stating a local observation. I don't care if it outsells the 360 or Wii (which I have both and I'll soon be getting one of those cheap ps3's from ebay when games come out that i want).

But people act like you smacked there mom in the mouth when you say something THEY view as disparging about their system of choice. And then want to attack you and call you immature or something. If that's not the very definition of ironic, then?

But anyway. Put me in the bracket of people that don't think MGS5 or GTA5 or FFX13 are going to help Sony leap grand canyon hurdles. Sure their are people like me out there who will buy it once there a many games (MGS4 being one) that they want for the system.

But everyone here comparing those games needs to have a reality check. The marketing campaign for Halo was HUGE. It was like the Super Mario 3 campaign back in the day when McDonalds had Mario happy meals and things of that sort.

Honestly ask yourself, are they going to have MGS4 soft drinks, towels, commercials every five seconds with some variation of the catchy tag phrase "Finish the fight?" or things of that sort. Yes the game will come out and review well and be received well by gamers.

But Halo3 appeals to a bigger demographic than FF13, MGS4, and GTA5. Just look at history, that's a fact. There are far more people that are casual, core gamers that buy Halo games than those 3 games.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

A lot of people are also just discounting what MS has up it's sleeve, to which this effect we really don't know. I keep reading about how sony is going to drop prices and etc. But MS can do the exact same thing and actually get the 360 to a cheaper price point than Sony. MS is a lot closer to that magic $200 price point than Sony is currently as well.

In the end though really what difference does it make? If you have either system and enjoy it. Then do that, there's not going to be a magic prize at the end of the rainbow if either of the prediction made by anyone is right. Just the fact that you can maybe thump your chest and say "I told you so..." - It is what it is!