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Let's stop thinking in terms of ideology, and start thinking in terms of sales. Outside of the holiday period (Nov/Dec) and the week of a few key releases (Halo, Everybody Golfs/Gundum Musou in Japan), the Wii has consistently outsold 360 + PS3 combined. In 2007, the Wii outsold the other two systems combined in 34 out of the 52 weeks according to VGChartz data. You can also see from the 2007 hardware table that it outsold 360 + PS3:

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 07th Jan 2007 to 30th Dec 2007:


So far in 2008, the Wii has outsold the other two combined in 4 out of 5 weeks (including this week); the one it missed was a week of extreme supply shortage in the American market. Even in that weeks (Jan. 12), the Wii still captured over 40% of the overall hardware sales:

Wii: 210k (41%)
PS3: 161k (31%)
360: 140k (27%)

Let me repeat that: in the Wii's absolute WORST perfoming week of 2008, an anamoly caused by supply shortages, it still had over 40% of the market. Barring some kind of seismic change in the market, it's inevitable that the Wii will eventually reach 50% market share. I'm not sure why anyone is doubting that. The only reason it hasn't already happened is the one-year lead of the 360, which continues to be whittled away week by week.

Really, the question is whether it will happen in 2008 or not until 2009. I still say it's a 50/50 chance to happen this year, and could go either way.

My Website

End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)