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I guess I still just fundamentally disagree with you. I don't disagree with the 90% I said before...the 87.5% (which Madden did not hit...8.5 is not 8.75) was off the top of my head---fine 90%, I have no problem with that...don't really care, that's fine. Point is I DO believe score should be taken into account. (Although, if Halo 3 would have gotten an 89.9% I'd still call it AAA, and I'm sure most would--and they'd be just as pumped for the next Halo game regardless of the score).

But I still don't find reviewers giving a game above a 90% the God-factor of AAA games. More than just score must be taken into account IMO.

And your example of Mario Party 8 fails...I never said that if a game sells 4.5 million copies it is've taken what I said out of context. I said that sales should be ONE requirement--NOT the determining factor of a AAA title. It must meet all of my requirements--score too...not just sales.   So  IMO, Mario Party 8 would NOT be  AAA...neither would Madden're not taking all the factors into consideration, just one or two for each game.   The way I determine AAA (FOR ME) has more requirements than your way so LESS games actually "slip" through.

I guess my requirements for a AAA game are just higher than yours. I don't think that simply generating hype, having a large budget, and having a score of 90% is near high enough standards to be considered AAA in my I said---Rock Band meets all those requirements....over 90% average, big budget, lots of hype--and I don't consider it a AAA game. (I take all of those same requirements you mentioned, but add more requirements)

Eitherway, neither of us is right...neither of us is's up to each of us to determine what we believe a AAA title is I suppose.

For me...
A combination of score, sales, console moving, hype, history, gamer's opinion....
For you, score, budget, and hype.

Fine. Eitherway this is stupid...we each have our opinion on what a AAA title believe 5 AAA titles were released last year, I believe 3 were...big deal.....We're beyond "persuading" one another...we just have a different perception on AAA--not a big deal.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450