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Got an 8.

It got a 7.5 for gameplay. The major markdown was that it doesn't innovate.

Having never played a JRPG im almost done with the first disc and so far think this is one of the best games ive ever played. So i guess its a matter of opinion. For seasoned JRPG gamers, do you want more of something great with a few tweaks (ring system, wall system) or something completely different.

As far as I could see they didn't specify which version they reviewed (Japanese or PAL), but despite giving it a 9 for graphics, the review claims there was some framerate issues and screen-tearing. Again, either they are reviewing the Japanese version (which was known to have FR issues), or they are talking about the 2,3 and/or 4th disk, because I simply have not faced one single screen-tearing or framerate issue in 9 hours of playing.



"It all works - despite AI and balancing issues - but the real problem isn't the gameplay itself, but the concepts behind. It's all been done before."


I cant speak to balancing issues having never played a JRPG, but as someone new to the genre I have to say this game is amazing.  If you are looking for something new buy this game now it is excellent.  But I guess if you are a seasoned JRPG gamer you have to decide if more of the same with a few differences is what you are after.  Personally, I despise the fact that this game's mark has clearly come down because it didn't redefine the genre, but what can you do. 

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