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Runa216 said:
ils411 said:
Runa216 said:
ils411 said:
I just lost my Vita ....

Well, not really, my 5 yr old son has taken a liking to it and I haven't played with it in days

I'm considering on getting another one so we can play together, but I though, hey why not just get a 3Ds so I dont miss out on anything. But then, I passed through my local gamestore and took a look at the 3Ds available game line up (which was at least twice the number of what's available for the vita) and the only games that I would consider buying was tales of the abyss, then I went online and looked at whats in store for october annnnddd..... nothing...

The Vita gets crucified for "not having games" and yet its got lots of games available now and releasing from now till the end of the year. The 3Ds has got nothing and it gets a free pass (well, its getting a bunch of whatever crap games).

Double standards for the win.

That's not entirely true.  I mean, the 3DS has had twice as long to get where it is and doesn't even have as many good games as the Vita, but it does have some reall awesome games.  two Mario Platformers, Mariokart, Ocarina of Time 3D, Resident Evil Revelations, Kid Icarus, Theatrhythm, Kingdom Hearts 3D, and Star Fox 3D.  It's got good games, but I don't see why people say it has some fantastic lineup and the Vita's sucks. 

I know its got some good games out but...

I dont care for Mario or any of his games. He can go jump into a hole in the ground for all I care. I've already played and finished Ocarina of Time 3D, Resident Evil the Mercenaries, DOA Dimensions and SSFIV when I use to have a 3Ds. Star Fox 3D isnt worht it for me with it being a direct port of the N64 version, Resident Evil needs the circle pad to make it more enjoyable, Kid Icarus is ackward to control and needs the stupid stand and I never liked Kingdom Hearts and I'm not really into rythm games.

So in the end, its all subjective and base on people's preferences, and it all boils down to

Tales of the Abyss, Tekken 3Ds annnddd Code of Princes (maybe) VS Assassins Creed III, SF VS Tekken, Jet Set Radio (maybe), Persona 4 (a must have!), Little Big Planet Vita aannnnddd PS+ (maybe if i can find some place to buy a ps+ card).

So, yeah, Vita's line up is more appealing to me. And like I said, the 3Ds future line up sucks when compared to what the Vita is getting and yet, Vita is crucified!

Haters gonna hate!

PS. I'd like to own both systems someday, hopefully I can earn my second degree come end of semester so I can get a job and earn lots of money coz you know, double degree holders > single degree holders > collage level > highschool diploma

Man, you are ooooone picky gamer!  Granted, I do agree with you on some points (Star Fox isn't worth it, Resident Evil sucks without Circle Pad Pro, Kid Icarus Controls are shit), but as much as I'm on your side agreeing the Vita is at least 20% cooler than the 3DS, you seem to be keen on the idea of making the 3DS sound kinda useless.  don't like mario, don't like kingdom hearts, don't like Rythm games (though that's not uncommon), you've got a reason not to like everything on the system despite the variety in quality titles.  

I saw myself do that with the Xbox's not hard to see when others do it now that I've corrected that behaviour, and saying "I'd like to get one some day" is a pretty blanket "I';m not biased, honestly!" assertion to protect your ass.  

Either way, it IS annoying that people praise the 3DS but hate the Vita, so I won't disagree with you on that. 

No, really, I never warmed up to Mario. Must be coz the original super mario bros. made me go through hell

Naw man, I really loved the 3Ds when I had one, last year to be exact. I had to sell it though to pay for my son's educational plan installment. That really sucked, I had to let it go for cheaps and to think I've already bought twin bee 3d, excite bike 3d, and some other games I cant remember. Plus I had an ambasador 3Ds which was great. Too bad I didn't get to tryout the free GBA games. I enjoyed playing Legend of Zelda OOT and Resident Evil Mercenaris. Hell, I even enjoyed Ridger racer, which was god awful! But the 3D effect kept me plent entertained.

Before I got a Vita, I was seriously contemplating on getting another 3Ds, but Gravity Rush, Plus the announcement of Ragnarok Odyssey getting an english version made me re think my plan and I ended up getting a Vita instead which is awesome! I may sound picky but maybe that's because I'm primarily an RPG gamer and the number of RPGs that I can play on a system is what usually sway my decisson. With Gravity rush having a little RPG elements (skill level up), Ragnarok Odyssey being a quest based Action RPG, plus the possibility (now a reality) of having Xenogears, Parasite Eve 1 and 2, FF VII, VIII, IX not to mention Persona 4...well, it was a no brainer.