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I think Romney may surprise during the debates. Although Obama is eloquent, I think he can be pulled off of his game.. But that assumes Romney wants to actually debate Obama, and not go for canned speeches.

If I were Romney, I would press Obama on every aspect of the economy - the lack of jobs from the stimulus, the anemic growth of the private sector, the lack of capital investment that points to a lack of faith in the economy. When Obama tries to argue Republican obstructionism, then Romney should counter with his record of reaching across the aisle to achieve results - something that Obama has done none of, and even Clinton and Bush managed to do during their tenures as president.

But that assumes that Romney is remotely intelligent. I hated him during the primary debates, because he never really was great, but never had a gaffe. The Ryan-Biden debates (whenever they are, if they happen) would be much better.

And if Gary Johnson was there.... He'd tear both of them apart.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.