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4D Gamer III said:
doom102575 said:
4D Gamer III said:
If you're holding out hope for MGS4, FFXIII and GT5, then you'll be sorely dissapointed I'm afraid. While these will ring in the dedicated hardcores, the console they're on will prevent them from drawing in the much larger ambient audience that was receptive of both the PS and PS2. You'll be hard pressed to win over any casual or very many core gamers with these aging titles. As I said before, even the N64 had sure fired hits like Super Mario 64, Starfox 64 and LOZ: Ocarina of Time.

PS2 is fast declining as the Wii fills its niche and the PSP is another sad story all to itself though while making a profits is dropping off at a fast pace from the holiday sales. Sony can only leech off them for so long.

This persisted belief that Sony can in anyway compete financially with MS has gone from sad to almost insulting that you would expect anyone to swallow such a load. I really wonder if this is an argument you're partaking of or just an attempt to feed your own wanton beliefs that the PS3 will dominate as its predicessors before it.

As for Blu-Ray profits, last time I checked VHS was outselling Blu-Ray and HD-DVD combined, that's not very much profit to go around I'm afraid especially when you divide it by all the other companies invested in Blu-Ray.

The stupidity of some people amaze me I love reading when people only name a few games that are coming to a system as being thier salvation. There are alot of games coming to the market for the PS3 that are for casual and Hardcore. Also last time I checked GT5 wasn't a hardcore game since when did racers become hardcore?

As for your pathetic financials statement even when the PS3 posted their $833 million dollar loss for the 2nd quater financials the company still almost made 1 billion in profits if I remember correctly. So I guess you are right the PS3 almost made them close their doors cause I could barely get by with that kind of profit.

And the blu-ray market it one year into existance as well it is future money they are looking at not todays. Seeing that the movie industry in total is bigger then the game industry if the get 25% od the dvd market which is more then possible they will be making a ton of money. The only thing holding that market down atm is price but now alot of new movies on Blu-ray are coming out at 24.99 compared to 17.99 DVD only a matter of time before some of the market share swings that way.

So in addition to calling me stupid you make the claim there are alot of games on par with afor mentioned titles that are suppossed to be comming out for the PS3 (because I'm sure there are none for the 360 or Wii). The games I listed are those that will matter the most to undecided potential adopters and thus serve as the most effective examples in driving home a much larger point.

If all you can offer is pety hope that the unremarkable HD Disc market will grow any faster than it already has then you have my condolences. I like how you assume Blu-Ray will replace DVD as well, as if beating HD-DVD has garanteed it anything in the way of the market's future. Even if you ignore the varieties of more advanced and more appealing disc formats on the horizon 5-10 years down the road there's really no reason for people to invest in a new media library that only gives you the benefit of higher resolution. People want a breakthrough that warrents change, not a slight improvement over the existant standard which they're more than content with. DVD had huge benefits over VHS, CD had huge benefits over Cassettes, each was a shoe in because of what they offered in convenience of navigation, playability and an ideal preservation of ones media library. Digital picture and sound where just the icing on the cake in lieu of what these new formats reprented to the consumer's core interests. What HD discs offer over SD discs is just superficial and really silly when you try to use that as a reason to replace your entire media library. By your logic Mini-Discs would have been a shoe in over CDs.

Now you are reading into things and assuming I stated nothing was coming out for the other systems. I was only stating there were many games coming out for the Ps3 for all fans. Which was in reference to your holding out for hope statement. So I guess Halo 3 won't sell due to it being an aging title. Maybe Super Smash brothers won't either due to how aged this title is your argument is silly. I apologise if you took offense to the stupidity comment as I was a bit out of line with that I should have used a nicer word :).

As for your statement no reason to invest in a format with slight improvements. I ask you a question do you think in say 1 year when there are 20 million PS3 owners that when they have a choice to buy an outdated DVD or a Blu-ray disc for the same price they would actually choose the inferior product? I think not. That is really all I have to say today back to work now. Was a pleasure having the discussion with you 4D.

PS3(60GB)/360(Elite)/Wii/SNES/Ultimate Gaming PC owner :)