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bbsin said:
starcraft said:
Not sure about the dubbing, but I wouldn't put to much faith in Western reviews of JRPG's if your a fan of the genre. Blue Dragon did fantastically in Japan (critically and commercially) but still got panned here. Generally if all western reviews of non-Final Fantasy JRPG's are mediocre, it means the game is good. If the Western reviews are good, it means that game is fantastic.

Well, I wasn't talking about the actual rating of how good the game is, i was talking about any big improvements from the techical standpoint of the NA Lost Odyssey compared the preview builds and Asian versions. I can care less about what the reviewers say about the overall rating of the game, it's all just a bunch of opinions when it's all said and done, and from my point of view the only opinion that matters is mine. There have been plenty of non FF games that got rated decently by western critics that I did not like (Xenosaga, DQ8, VP,SoA,etc). As for Blue Dragon.... I personally thought Sakaguchi could have done much better than that, especially with the Boss music (he wrote it), story and character development :X.

 Ok im further through now.  I must be near the end of disc one.  I haven't noticed a SINGLE framerate drop.  And can I just say that this game has the most gorgeous looking cutscenes in any video game ever made...PERIOD.  Oh im sure it will be outdone a few times later on in this gen (LO2 lol), but as of now, this game is the standard.  As for load times, at the beginning of the game there were 5 second load times for random battles, but now there are none.  Its just the music, the quick battle animation and your into it.  Mistwalker must have really knuckled down in the two months between the JAP and PAL releases.  Frankly if I'd bought a Japanese version, I'd currently be PISSED!!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS