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ikol said:
@Kresknik I mainly said that bc vita games normally don't review as well even if the reviewer says it's better in the review :(

Vita games are being reviewed - in my opinion unfairly - because Sony are advertising it as a portable home console.  So every game is being reviewed in relation to home console games.  Watch the IGN review of WipEout 2048, he constantly compares it to WipEout HD Fury (saying it's not as smooth etc.)

Personally, I think that's unfair.  Yes, Sony is advertising the Vita like a home console, but that doesn't mean games should be reviewed as such.  Heck, Wii games rarely got marked down for running on last-generation hardware, the Super Mario Galaxy games are two of the highest-reviewed of the generation.  Marketing is marketing, and games should purely be reviewed based on the competition they're up against (which is Vita's case, is the 3DS/Smartphone games).