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Everyone keeps attacking the X360 from every angle possible:

"The X360 only has 2 exclusive games" - ignoring the fact that their system of choice has vastly less high-rated games. Even if they are, or are not exclusive, they're still on the X360, and not another given system.

"The games are on the PC" - not everyone plays on the PC. If SMG was on the PC, would the average PS3/X360 owner bash the Wii for having it on PC? No.

"It's because of the 1 year lead" - Look at the top 10 X360 games. 4 of those 10 were released within 1 year of release. Against the Wii, the X360 has as many 90%+ games on year 1 as the Wii did. But the X360 had vastly, vastly more 80%+ games.

Stop with the dumb arguments. You can whittle down the X360, or any system's quality games as much as you want, but the fact remains, if you were to buy one console with the highest rated games, the X360 virtually dominates the list, as it has more 90%+ rated games than both the PS3 and Wii combined .

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.