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If you're holding out hope for MGS4, FFXIII and GT5, then you'll be sorely dissapointed I'm afraid. While these will ring in the dedicated hardcores, the console they're on will prevent them from drawing in the much larger ambient audience that was receptive of both the PS and PS2. You'll be hard pressed to win over any casual or very many core gamers with these aging titles. As I said before, even the N64 had sure fired hits like Super Mario 64, Starfox 64 and LOZ: Ocarina of Time.

PS2 is fast declining as the Wii fills its niche and the PSP is another sad story all to itself though while making a profits is dropping off at a fast pace from the holiday sales. Sony can only leech off them for so long.

This persisted belief that Sony can in anyway compete financially with MS has gone from sad to almost insulting that you would expect anyone to swallow such a load. I really wonder if this is an argument you're partaking of or just an attempt to feed your own wanton beliefs that the PS3 will dominate as its predicessors had before it.

As for Blu-Ray profits, last time I checked VHS was outselling Blu-Ray and HD-DVD combined, that's not very much profit to go around I'm afraid especially when you divide it by all the other companies invested in Blu-Ray.

As for the laughable argument above this that Microsoft "isn't a charitable organization". Microsoft has more than enough income to offset any loss incurred in their gaming division. Investors in the Xbox knew from the start this would be a long road as MS themselves even put it, saying they had no expectations to of making a profit off the first Xbox. However if you had to choose between letting Sony take the lead and lose the console wars threatening the possibility of profits down the road or take a loss in the short term and beat Sony ensuring profits down the road, which do you think is the better choice. The 360's recent performance has only instilled faith in any investor who may have been doubtful where as the PS3 is just barely rising above one of the greatest upsets in Video Game History, set a decade back in profits lost and barely edging ahead of one of last gen's joke's, the Xbox brand. Whose investors do you really think are worried?

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.