I would say on an objective view the game is atleast an 6´out of 10. A score under 6 is only personal bias and are only made for getting fan points. On an subjective score ( depend on what you await) it is a 9 out of 10. Atleast for me because i like Resident Evil 4 and 5 and from what i see it is like Resident Evil 4 and 5 only aliitle bit better and bigger. So for me its a 9 right now.
PS: A videogame magazine in germany gave Resident evil 5 some year ago 93 out of 100 points. And they mentioned that Resi 5 has a lot more action than the previous games. Now some years later the same magazine gave Resi 6 75 out of 100 points because it has to much action and to less horror. How reliable is such a magazine?